It was the meeting up of family that suddenly opened our eyes up to a way of life that we could only dream about in UK. We were to meet them at a beach on Lake Eerie. It sounded like an impossible feat as we had never been there before and the beach stretched for miles. I have no idea how but we literally arrived on the beach right beside them all!!! It was a Sunday in mid July and the beach was pretty full. My brother in law (BIL) turned up with chairs, sunshades, 2 huge ice boxes and of course a barbeque!! Whilst he cooked chicken legs I ignored the warm tuna sandwiches feebly packed in my bag!! The kids swam, played ball and dug in the sand until the sun started to go down. My BIL told us that when they had lived in Canada before moving over to USA this was a typical Sunday for them before work the next day. As the sun set everyone packed up to head home and not one piece of litter was left on that enormous stretch of beach much to the dismay of a few flocks of hungry seagulls!! Now isn't that the perfect way to start the working week?
We enjoyed the remainder of our holiday and all too soon it was time to return to the UK. I was surprised to find that my eldest daughter was determined to return one day to live in Canada and that she had decided she wanted to attend University in Toronto!! On that flight home I could never have imagined that this was just the start of a permanent move to Canada!
Great start to a new blog Tracey! I look forward to reading about your adventures and the day you can post "we're here!"
Thanks Kans....I'm pretty new to all thisbut sure I'll get the hang of it. Can't wait ti land either just a shame you guys will still be miles away!
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