Friday, 26 December 2008
Xmas 2008!!!
After ridiculously high stress levels the pies etc were made and tasted fab. The day was spent eating popcorn and choccies whilst watching Mama Mia (twice!!!!) and reading Julie Walters biography (I swear she's writing about my childhood......minus the bed-wetting and wanting to be an actress!) I'm now sat amongst the Boxing Day fallout of dead crackers, warm cheesecake and cool bags whilst hubby puts the turkey/ham back in the garage where its way colder!!
On the immigration front there is fantastic news for those who applied post Feb 2008 and are now beginning to receive 90 day letters. However as someone who has sat in a queue for a year and a half and still has another 6-8 month wait for said letter it does rankle a has smatterings of queue jumping which is unfair to say the least......not the applicants fault but the Canadian government obviously didn't think this one through very well!!!!! Too late for us to apply using this route even though we are on the list as it will be no quicker....luckily we can't land till 2010 but not so lucky for others who would give anything to but must just wait and watch others jump in front!!
On the Masters front I have now passed yet another course....yeah!!!!! I was convinced I'd fail the research paper but I didn't. I'm now half way through the disability a 6000 word research paper due in at the end of January and then I start the final course in February. I won't complete the Masters till October and the results won't be through till December so I probably won't be able to count it in on my 90 day letter. However after this present course I can claim a post grad certificate or diploma which might be accepted by CHC.
Monday, 15 December 2008
The List!!!
Now throwing myself into work in order to have some time off over xmas! The shopping is done, online shop for groceries is booked and the decorations are up!!
Can't believe that once we enter 2009 we'll be telling people that 'we're actually emigrating next year'!!!! Friends are already planning a welcome party for when we land lol!! Once the documents are asked for we'll need to contact a realtor and start checking out Barrie, the housing there and the schools...also need to sort out Toronto University for the eldest daughter to start 2010!
Wow it's all go!!
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Collecting the documents!
I've downloaded the appropriate forms from the cic website just so I can look through them as they can be filled out online nearer the time.
Someone on the British Expats website every kindly posted the following info:
- Certified copies of birth certificates and marriage certificate.
- Employment references from previous employers that included start and finish dates, job title,duties and responsibilities
- If possible copies of job descriptions, person specifications and contacts of employment.
- P60s and P45s
- Certified copies of qualifications
- Certified copy of the front page of passports
It all seems fairly straight forward. Also need to list everything I've done since 18 years which will include 6 months travelling in 1977 and 5 months travelling in California in 1987. Luckily everything is on my CV so I don't have to try and remember all the dates. Pretty sure I have all the P60's and P45's so can tick them off. Have job descriptions and copies of contrcts fro the past 10 years. Also have copies of all qualifications since age 10 years (speech exam result in year 5!!)....sad I know!!
Hubby's will take a bit longer to track down all his qualifications and jobs but not impossible!
Then just got to get items certified!
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Another decision made....well sort of!
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Ticking off the boxes!

Also now beginning to pull our documents together for the CHC should they ask for them next year (yeah!!).... need all my cerificates of education, payslips for the last 10 years, birth and marriage certificates....sad though it may sound I have actually kept them all!!!!!!!
Saturday, 25 October 2008

Sunday, 19 October 2008
2 years!!
So another Thanksgiving has passed and another Halloween is fast approaching. Before we know it it'll be Xmas! Then hopefully we'll have one more Xmas in the UK more before moving to Ontario! We've decided to try a Xmas Day on our own this year....not something we've done before in the UK but we have to get used to it as we'll be on our own once we've moved. As next year (2009) is our last Xmas here we're having a big family get together at a restaurant......yeah no cooking!
So for now its back to getting sorted for the half term holiday and Halloween!!

Thursday, 9 October 2008
Monday, 6 October 2008
So the planning has already this space!
As there is a distinct possibility of CHC contacting us at the end of 2009/beginning of 2010 we've started to collect all our easy feat I can tell you. I'm the principle applicant and have worked for many organisations over the years. I think I'm going to need to track my past jobs through the Tax Office......pretty sure that at least 2 of the organisations have long since ceased trading!
Thursday, 2 October 2008
It's been a while!
I re did my points score and came up with 80....forgot to add the correct amount of time spent working!!! The person discussed in the last post is still waiting and it now looks like the appeal will go to Federal Court!
The weather here is turning...very autumn feel in the air. This is making me feel really homesick for Canada. My new pal Amanda is now living in Owen Sound and her daily emails are keeping me if you're reading this Amanda don't stop emailing!
We are hoping that we may hear from CHC at the end of 2009/early 2010 which would be brilliant!! We'll know more when they start to process the first batch of simplified skilled worker applications....lets hope they don't slow down.
Good news re doctors....Ontario is now going to allow doctors from other provinces and the US to work on their existing qualifications and the hope is that this will spread to UK docs too....hurray!! This would enable hubby to work in Ontario and then he can land with us and not have to go back to UK to work!
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Oh no!!
In panic I then redid the self assessment test on the cic website and could only get 65/67 points myself....OMG! However when I redid it for the 4th time I realised that I hadn't counted my MA that I am currently studying....just hope I complete it before they ask for updates!!! Watch this space!
Back in UK
My friend Sophie was renting us her beautiful rental home and she didn't court over the road was a huge hit with my kids.
We didn't do too many tourist things this time. Instead we visited towns and show houses to get a feel of the area.We decided that Collingwood is not the town for us even though we love it. It's too far from Toronto and too expensive....council tax is way too high! After also ruling out Orangeville (stared at too much....didn't feel welcome there), Angus (military base), Alliston (big car plant) and Innisfil (what the heck is in Innisfil??!!) we think we've settled on Barrie.
This is Thornbury marina
We visited Toronto twice, visiting Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) which our eldest loved. I managed to find the Pickle Barrel in the Bay Atrium without the aid of a map even though its been 10 years since we last ate is still great by the way!
We also experienced the Elvis Festival in Collingwood. I hadn't realised how seriously people take Elvis impersonators....some were very good but one or two should stick to the day job! I couldn't get many photos as it was so busy.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Ontario here we come...well for 3 weeks!
Whilst over on this trip we're meeting up with friends, may view a couple of houses and are looking at Universities for our eldest two with a view to them starting in 2010/11. We're looking at the uni's now as we have no idea when we'll next get out to Ontario and the kids need to make informed decisions! So on with the packing.......
Monday, 7 July 2008
One year into the wait!!
It is now looking as though the best way to enter Canada is with a job which is not as easy as it sounds. We are part of the September 2006 to Feb 2008 Simplified Skilled Worker Applications but the immigration procedure is now changing and we could feel the backlash.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
The start!!!
On July 16th 2007 the AOR arrived and stated that we would next be contacted in 42-48 months time meaning we wouldn't be likely to land until 2011!!!
Home and back again!
We arrived back into Toronto in March 2007. It was pretty cold but we were prepared for that. Collingwood was as we'd left was a great feeling to be back! We explored everywhere and shopped till we dropped. My mum even went off in the car on her own to Zellars! I'd arranged an art lesson for my eldest daughter with a local artist Keli-Ann Pye Beshara.....and another friendship was made!! The highlight of the trip was hubby and son spending the day skiing together. My parents made a trip to Niagara for a couple of days and returned to Canadian snow flurries or as we Brits call them......snowstorms!!!

And then before we knew it it was back to UK.............
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Colingwood cont.
Friday, 18 April 2008
It took us a good hour and a half to reach Stayner, a small town just before Collingwood but which hiad what we were now desperate for...Tim Hortens. By now it was around 5pm but of course our internal clocks were 5 hours ahead on UK time. It had been a long day since setting off in torrential rain to the airport near our home, then the 7 hour flight and the drive so we were hungry. I'd already decided on soup and hot chocolate to take to the house and have there so we were soon back on the road and entering Collingwood.
It is a great little town right on the edge of the Georgian Bay...well actually I think its on the Nottawasaga Bay which I've no doubt spelt wrong!!
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Airport road to Collingwood
So off we set again on Airport road west. Traffic was pretty heavy so it was a slow crawl. I actually had no idea if Airport road was a highway, freeway or dirt track so I sat in the middle lane sandwiched between 2 trucks. The GPS system is my hubby's and comes complete with a voice that can melt a mans at twenty paces so I naturally refer to it as 'her' and with much contempt. Being a female GPS she retaliates by sending me off in any direction she likes, even up private driveways. On this particular trip she was in a huff at being separated from my hubby and was refusing to even find the nearest satellite!!! A few miles down the road and almost all the traffic disappeared leaving us on a 2 lane road in the middle of the countryside. You could see for miles and miles and yet there were houses at regular intervals. I had a little wobbly moment when I realised we were in the middle of rural Ontario miles from anywhere but it soon passed. You could see the road stretching ahead for miles and miles.
Airport Road in the Fall!!
As it was October time the colour of the trees were amazing as we drove along and we passed pumpkins on display everywhere....plenty of oohs and aaahs from the girls and me!!!
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Airport Road!
We flew on a practically empty Air transat flight from Newcastle to Toronto. This was because it was the last flight of the season. Coming in to land at Toronto I suddenly panicked......why had I brought the girls over 3,000 miles for a weeks holiday to Canada and in October when I could have popped over to Spain and been on the beach in the sunshine? Not only that but I'd never even been to Collingwood before! However this would be the least of my problems!
Tired after the flight we waited at passport control. I'd chosen the queue with the female officer as she appeared less intimidating......funny how appearances can be so deceptive!
Once we'd been called I gave her the passports and she asked if I had a letter from the children's father giving me permission to take them out of the UK...aargh! When I said I didn't she asked if I could prove they were my children. For a split second I thought of showing her my cesarean scar but found that my mouth had taken over and I was demanding that the girls tell her who I was!! I was so sure she was about to put us on the next flight home that I suggested she ring my husband in the UK. She told me to go through to the area behind the huge glass window (obviously this was so the audience of airline passengers could continue to watch my drama unfold!). The next officer was thankfully very sweet and explained how children disappear all the time. She said she would allow us in but that if we did not catch our return flight an alert would be put out for the children!! I was shaking like a leaf. We grabbed our bags and arrived at the car rental booth where the poor woman behind the counter asked how I was doing so I took that as my cue and poured out my heart to her!!!! She must have taken pity on us because there were squeals from the girls as we collected the car.... a real chick car, the type hubby and son would have hated!
Now all we had to do was find Airport Road..........
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Trip 2 continued....

We enjoyed the remainder of our holiday and all too soon it was time to return to the UK. I was surprised to find that my eldest daughter was determined to return one day to live in Canada and that she had decided she wanted to attend University in Toronto!! On that flight home I could never have imagined that this was just the start of a permanent move to Canada!
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Trip 2
The apartment was really nice but the following morning we woke to a real nightmare situation....the bedroom with me, hubby and the then 6 year old was swarming with flying ants!!! They were everywhere; in the beds, the luggage but worst of all my poor kids hair!! Slamming shut the bedroom door we headed to Niagara centre and an available mobile phone network (my mobile only worked in USA so we needed to be near the border!). After a quick call the owner moved us to another apartment and we fell into Perkins for pancakes and coffee!
The kids got to see the Falls, drag me onto the way too high Ferris wheel and managed to cost us a small fortune thanks to Niagara's ridiculous hike up of prices (they must see us tourists coming!!). Eventually we moved into the house and it really was clean and spacious. We spent the rest of the trip exploring the usual tourist traps...Canada Wonderland, Toronto zoo, Kitchener as well as meeting up with family who we hadn't seen for years.........
Friday, 21 March 2008
13 years!
In 2006 we booked a holiday to Ontario, our first since 1993! By now my sister in law had moved to the US so we needed a holiday rental property. I trawled the internet for days and finally found a fab 5 bed roomed house in a place called Collingwood. I emailed the owner and we immediately we'd known each other for years. She was English , having emigrated a couple of years earlier. We booked the house and the flights for that July. Unfortunatley a few weeks later we got an email from the owner saying she would have to cancel the booking as the builders of her new home had let her down and they would need the renatl to live in for a few more months. By now we were emailing quite a bit and I completely understood that these things happen. The upshot was that we eventually found another rental near Niagara on the Lake....
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Hello Ontario
Ontario reminded me of the US but whilst it seemed to have the convenience of America it also had the greeness of England and wow was it clean!! We spent 3 weeks doing every tourist trip we could; Niagara, Toronto, Seaworld, London, name it we did it!! But we also lived the Canadian way of life....barbeque in the garden, supermarket shopping, playing in the park....bliss! It was easy to envy my sister in law and when it was time to head home me and hubby both felt Canada would be a great place to live.
It wasn't meant to be though...we we're just settling in to marriage, kids, jobs, mortgage etc and moving over 3,000 miles away to start over just wasn't feasible. Little did we know then that it would be another 14 years before Canada would become feasible and that we would decide to emigrate!!
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
The start of the journey
The 'journey' actually started more than 14 years ago although the immigration process began in May 2007. Over the next few weeks I will have to backtrack to present day otherwise this blog will make little sense......