Thursday, 28 January 2010

My new blog

I decided to create another blog.......
I've got favourite recipes, many from childhood, that I didn't want to forget. In fact I'd like them to be passed down through the family. So I thought a blog was the best place to put them. I'm no amazing cook by any means so they are simple easy recipes.

What's been happening so far!

Since the last post there have been a couple things worth noting. First of all I got my Master of Arts degree in Online and Distance Education....yaaaaaay!!!!! So two years of non stop studying and researching has finally come to an end...phew! We are still waiting for the medical requests but we're ok for time still so not worrying too is really stressful though! Family want to book their flights to visit us in October but have told them to hang on for the meds requests.
Eldest daughter has sent off her application to Toronto University. They are now in receipt of her transcripts so we are waiting for those to be processed and hopefully she'll be offered a place!
We're spending the next few weeks doing up the house and then putting it on the market....also have the option of renting it out which we're thinking might be the better option. Waiting on our realtor to send us some properties in the north Barrie area.
Youngest had a bit of a blip over xmas....didn't want to talk about Canada but I think she just wanted a normal xmas and that's just what we had and it was great!!! Now she's all set for moving and is pretty excited!!!
Hubby decided that due to price increases he would book the flights....yikes!!! So we're flying out on July 4th!!!!!!!!!! We've asked family not to come to the airport as its not the place to say goodbye...too public! So provided the meds arrive soon we're on track

Monday, 4 January 2010


Well after a lot of sweat and an odd tear of frustration we finally got all the documents together and sent them on November 11 2009!!!!!! I honestly don't know if I've provided everything they wanted....sometimes I get a sudden panic thinking I missed something out!!
So now we are waiting for the medical request. I reckon we'll hear from them in Feb as CHC have been shut over xmas and there'll be a back log to get through. Someone who applied after us has their requests but either they haven't had as many jobs as me that need checking or their immigration officer works fast!!

Catch up time!!!

Wow I can't believe its been soooo long since I posted on here. Time to recap......

The trip to Ontario in October was fantastic. We had a really good flight....thank you Air Transat. This time I took a permission letter from hubby allowing me to take the girls out of the country but the immigration officer never asked for it. When asked why we were entering Canada I told her it was to look at Toronto Uni.. she then asked eldest kid what course she wanted to study and swiftly waved us through!! Had a good drive up Airport road and popped into Sophies for a cuppa and to collect keys to a rental (the owner had posted the keys to Sophie rather than to UK). Then it was off to Thornbury to our condo...arriving there about 9pm in the rain and dark. Pulling up I found the workmen had not only removed the path but also the front door step...aaaaaargh! Never have I had to climb into a house on all fours...not a pretty sight!!

We spent the rest of the week checking out Toronto particular Innis College which was fab. Met up with our realtor and viewed some houses. Have decided to focus on areas around two schools that we like. Also met up with Alistair in Toronto and Amanda in Blue Mountain (she'd put the clocks forward not back...sigh!!). We were also nearly killed by a flying turkey which flew across the car bonnet...only in Canada!!!

Flying back to UK was much easier this time as it felt like we'd soon be returning 'home'.